Joel website
Candidate for U.S. Congress, Tennessee First District

The debate on the issue of the de-illegalization of drugs has been infused with lies and kept off the table as a legitimate option for far too long. Prohibition in the 1920's ended much sooner, and ultimately did much less damage to our society. The current prohibition and its war against drug users has gone on much too long and has been used by our government as a successful tool in initiating the American population to accepting diminished civil liberties and privacy.


The insidious War On Drugs has accomplished what every other propagandized so-called “war” on the domestic population has ever accomplished. It has spent our money, victimized those least able to defend themselves and threatened our liberty in the war's pursuit of a non-existent victory.

This war, like prohibition in the 1920's, has corrupted our law enforcement agencies, tied up valuable police resources and diverted them from where they are really needed and created criminals out of otherwise law abiding citizens.

The WOD has created a growing disrespect for the law. And worse - it has created a black market in drugs and has prevented an honest taxation on products that could very well bring money into the treasury, rather than serving as a means of draining our treasury.

In the name of the WOD we prop up petty dictators who serve the financial interests of particular crony elements of this government, and oppose movements for liberation that are none of our business. In the name of the WOD we have created highly armed and equipped, extremely aggressive domestic police forces and federal and state agencies that are a singular threat to our civil rights.

Moreover - the drug problem is really three problems grouped together for the sake of convenience by those wanting to heighten the stated threat.

Casual Drug Use -

is no one's concern other than the person who chooses to use a particular drug. As with alcohol, its effect is dangerous when the drug is used during the performance of an activity that could endanger others. If the person performing the activity is too affected by the drug to function in a sober fashion, that person needs to be stopped. Someone sitting home and using a drug, or drinking a martini or a beer should be of no interest to anyone else; especially not the government and its enforcement agencies.

Drug Addiction -

is a medical problem - not a legal problem. If ten percent of the the WOD's budget, spent on: Espionage, Eradication, Interdiction, Apprehension, Adjudication, Incarceration, and Parole – were spent on treatment, thousands of clinics to help treat addicts wanting help could be established.

Drug Related Crime -

is a reaction to the large black market created by drug illegalization. The lucrative profits and the enticement to drug dealing would disappear along with the de-illegalization of drugs.

Drugs -

On a continual basis, one can watch the incessant number of televison advertisements for drug industry, FDA approved drugs; and the concomitant listing of dangers they bring with them; side effects, dangerous reactions to other drugs, reactions to existing medical conditions, accidents due to the use of the drug while driving or using heavy equipment, unknown and un-anticipated reactions accompanied by a list of symptoms to be aware of, and the overall harm that might be encountered through the use of these drugs. That most of the condtions these drugs are meant to cure could be prevented through proper diet, excercise and generally healther life practices - is ignored. That many of these drugs are to treat conditions symptomatically and not curatively is also not addressed. - So for a little comfort and the relief from symptoms, we are asked to encounter inumnerable dangers. In the case of the drugs bringing curative relief, we are also asked to trade off dangers. On the other hand, the enjoyment that marijuana brings to millions with much less potential for harm than most prescription drugs is frowned upon. That marijuana can also be a symptomatic relieving agent is also ignored. What can no longer be ignored is that casual marijuana use is not the government's business.

Regardless of one's position on the more potent mind altering, psychotropic and narcotic drugs, Marijuana must be legalized immediately. Aside from the medical uses for Marijuana, we must allow hemp to be grown freely. The large number of Americans who enjoy Marijuana cannot be stigmatized nor can they any longer be discounted and considered criminals.

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